Guppy Genetics

Revision of 2020 Guppy Genetics Article

I revised my 2020 article ‘Breeding Guppies: Genetic Pitfalls and Successes‘.  Revision containsapril-18_2018-1 same basic material, but I simplified article.  I spent more time discussing popular mutations that can perplex beginners.  And I down-sized a complicated discussion on the genetics of swordtail guppies.   It was not that relevant in successfully outcrossing my beautiful delta-tail females (Photo) with male swordtail guppies.   These outcrosses were wildly successful and I had no trouble breeding out the swordtail trait.

Author: Diana Walstad

I'm a former science researcher that keeps aquariums and likes to write books.

One thought on “Guppy Genetics”

  1. Just wanted to say thank you for your work. Not a lot of people take the time to study and record the females of livebearers. I’m working with Endlers myself because I’m more interested in the wild types. I recently started keeping a strain of wild type guppies with the goal of eventually recreating an early strain from whatever the colony happens to produce. In working on that and trying to unravel my females I’ve learned a lot these past couple years. I’ve read your work on planted tanks, but missed this until pretty recently when I started this guppy project and realized the reason I don’t have any snakeskins is because I have an entire tank of culled females that I thought we guppy mixes or cobras that were mixed. Now I know lol

    Thank you,



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